Sandra's Mortgage Blog

The Role of a Mortgage Underwriter: What Happens Behind the Scenes
Getting a mortgage in Ontario can be a challenging process with several detailed steps included. Underwriting is one of the significant processes that must be followed before you get approved. As a borrower, you may not be aware of this step as this is what stays behind the scenes. Professional

Land Transfer Taxes: What Homebuyers Need to Know
When a prospective homebuyer makes calculations for a home purchase it’s important to take into account several major costs including mortgage terms, home costs and of course other closing costs. A noteworthy and frequently disregarded expense in this procedure is the land transfer tax. This tax is necessary to complete

The Process of Transferring Your Mortgage to Another Property
When you make the decision to move to a new home, you might be worried about the status of your existing mortgage. The viable option of “porting” your mortgage—moving to a new home and bringing your present mortgage terms and interest rates with you—is possible. Let’s check the pros, cons,

Co-Signing a Mortgage: Responsibilities and Risks
Have you ever been asked to co-sign someone’s mortgage by a friend or relative? Though it could be a charming way of enabling them to realize their dream of homeownership, it’s not a choice that needs to be made impatiently. In Canada, co-signing a mortgage has serious obligations and threats

Understanding Property Taxes and Their Impact on Your Mortgage
In Canada, there are numerous benefits to house ownership, but there are also financial obligations. Property taxes are one significant expense to consider. Your local municipality collects property taxes to pay for infrastructure, schools, public transportation and more. Property taxes have a big influence on your total cost of living

The Advantages of Bi-weekly Payments on Your Mortgage
You will be required to make consistent mortgage payments when you buy a house and take out a mortgage. The mortgage payment frequency choice you select will determine how much and how often you pay. There are five main mortgage payment choices available in Canada: weekly, accelerated weekly, accelerated bi-weekly,